Black and White walking

Black and White walking

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Holiday Reflections

There are gifts under the tree
For you, for me
There are decorations everywhere
On the houses, in the Square

Perhaps snowflakes on the ground,
Or palm trees all around;
Cold winds or warm sands
The holidays are being celebrated across the lands

There are parties and traditions,
Some old, some new renditions
Frosty cold mornings with clear skies of blue
Or a warmer winter’s first light, the ground covered in dew

Delicious treats
Music with holiday beats,
And caroling by the streets

But was it that ties it all together?
What are the things that are the same,
Even though we are all different?

- Love -

It is the biggest gift,
Cannot fit under a tree,
It is the best gift there is,
For you, for me

It spreads through life,
Like those beautiful holiday lights,
Bringing joy to those around us,
Steady and bright

It is warmth in the cold
The page turner, when our stories are told
The courage that makes us bold;
A cool ocean breeze in the heat
The common thread, that keeps us marching to a better beat
When things are going well
And when they’re not so swell
It is there. Love.

The parties, the treats,
Become so much better when it is woven throughout
Reminding us to care, and what life is really about;
What is real
What will last
When this season has passed,
And the new year comes,
After the holidays are done,
And the next has begun;
Another year to celebrate life,
Being alive
A time to reflect on the year
That has passed before our eyes
And the one that is before us.

There are still challenges and struggles,
Sorrow and troubles
But the difference is, that no one need be alone
We have each other

Like ornaments on a tree
New memories are hung, by you, by me
Alongside the ones seasoned by time
Those memories are mine,
And yours

Celebrations of life lived,
Life loved
Life with love
And a reminder that in the darkest of times
There can be hope
And a sunrise on the horizon

It’s not about the gifts,
Though they are lovely
Or the decorations,
Or the tree,
Or whatever your observances may be;
It’s about connection –

Friendship, joy, encouragement, and strength
Looking within, looking without, outside of ourselves,
To something greater.

And so, however the holidays are observed by each of us,
May they be merry and bright
Seasoned with laughter and hope,
And new memories to share.